Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fatherless Father

How does it feel to be a fatherless father? I guess it's not so bad, I mean sure, I never had my father to show me how to play basketball, talk to girls, confront a bully or even how to show compassion as a man. But damn here I stand! In probably the same twisted game he was probably in. My daughter came to me when I was only 17 and I'd just finish a couple months on a juvenile hall get away (LOL). When I returned home, I was supposed to have two and a half months left until I got to see her pretty face, but she decided she wanted to see me rather sooner than later, so it seemed like it was more than two weeks. Now while I was paying my debt to the state I had a lot of time to prepare myself mentally for manhood as well as fatherhood, but regardless of my maturity level I was still only a kid myself. You couldn't convince me back then, but now I am old enough to understand that I was nowhere near ready to be a father. But ready or not here she comes and I was more than happy to have her in my life. It was an early morning phone call that would eventually solidify the true nature of my situation, I am a father to be and tonight it starts! More nervous than I've ever been I try to prepare myself and my things for the journey to the hospital as I officially have a greet and meet with my daughter. After getting lost on my way, finally I arrive in time and to my surprise, she was already here! Even though I missed her arrival I had the honor of meeting her first. To think that I was going to pass out at the first glance of her perfection I was escorted to the NICU unit, where she waits for me on the long walk through the hallway I couldn't help but hear my father tell me he's proud of me. Even though I've never heard his voice before, I caught myself submerged in the realization that I am a father now and I AM proud of me...
The reason im not what you think

I love you Annalisa